Come out and enjoy fashion, food and beverages along with a LIVE performance of
Brooke Jean's latest release "Reform". 8p - 930pm Mixer 9:30pm - 1am After party
Clear your calendar - It's going down! Brooke Jean Presents REFORM Live and it kicks off on October 1st. You're invited to take part in the festivities. 7 Bar and Lounge (555 W. 7th Street) is our meeting spot for a night of fun and excitement. Come one, come all, bring a guest, and hang loose. This is going to be epic! Spirals and Life youtuber Tiffany does a quick review of Brooke Jean's #TheConquerEra concert August 7, 2014 for her vlog series. You can follow Tiffany for tips and tricks on natural hair also on Instagram and Youtube.
Come out and hear The Conquer Era poetry LIVE. Brooke Jean also recites recent writings regarding our justice system. Save the date! [Photography by Porterhouse LA] Brooke Jean discusses her journey as an independent spoken word artist, her inspirations and advice for people pursing their dreams. Read the full interview THURSDAY July 10, 2014 I am performing at The Man Cave in Hollywood, CA. The Man Cave 3575 Cahuenga Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90068 89pm FREE entry [Photography by Porterhouse LA] Perception: A way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression. Everyone perceives the world through their own unique experiences but how we choose to move forward comes from the strength within. Second Chances surpassed the Doorway to your destiny but will your Perception build a brighter future? View "Perception" and if it impacts you leave a comment. #TheConquerEra [TONIGHT] Come hear Brooke Jean's motivational speech at Antioch Church Cafe M. in Long Beach. If you have a high school or college student who can use a good word and uplifting message meet Brooke Jean there.
1535 Gundry Ave Long Beach, CA 90813 7:11pm doors open #MotivationalSpeech #InspireYourCommunity #TheConquerEra Robust Entertainment delivers the raw unedited video "Doorways". Brooke Jean challenges her audience to expose their life purpose through pursuing their destiny. As the second chapter of The Conquer Era continues, Brooke Jean reminds our society that we are capable of anything we put our minds to. Spoken Word artist Brooke Jean releases a virtual poetry book titled "The Conquer Era". Everyone is fully capable of reaching their goals, taking control of their life and turning their thoughts into reality. Second Chances illustrates this journey with an organic video and hard hitting metaphors inspiring you to start your legacy. We are the present, we are the future and we have the power! |
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December 2015